Guys: Bear with me - this is my first harvest thread. I promise I won't draw it out too far. But, please, join me and enjoy what I'm about to share.
November in the Iowa Deer woods can really be a sight to be seen. It just seems like things magically start to happen and deer come out from all their hiding spots.
I wasn't able to start hunting until the 3rd weekend in October due to an annual golf tournament with some out of town buddies and my wife's birthday the next weekend.
I did hang a trail camera this year and had a few smaller 8pt bucks on them, some does, turkeys, and of course a coon or two. But nothing to really get my blood boiling. I have a 'spot' in November that I absolutely love to hunt as it's a perfect funnel between a bedding area and a water source but that's off limits in October.
My October spot is a ridge of oak trees and the acorns seem to really attract the deer. I was seeing deer, but hadn't seen a buck and hadn't had a doe in range. So, come November it's off to 'the spot'.
Yesterday AM I slept in and ran errands with the wife. I felt really guilty that I should be in the woods but we accomplished quite a bit - not to mention some ingredients for beef stew (all my deer meat from last year is gone)...can't wait!
The evening sit yielded sightings of 4 does (two were fawns) but nothing in range. I have a doe permit and a state-wide/buck tag to fill during archery this season. I was patiently awaiting a doe in range....but a flock of turkeys came down the hill. I swear those things know when you even think about drawing your bow and they bust out there. I guess I'll keep these areas in mind when spring turkey comes because I've only sat 1 time (out of 5) and not seen a group of turkeys.
I climbed down but decided to leave my stand up. The 'ole' lone wolf alpha and 3 sticks have been oh so good to me the past 9 years I've owned her but shes a pain to set in the dark so it's easier to leave it up if I'll be back in the morning.