I had a similar situation 3 years ago. I was in a natural blind in the late season with my brother at his property when we had a few does come in. I wanted a fat doe when this nice 8 point came on the seen. At about 12 yards I drew, anchored and right at the shot I dropped my bow arm, D@$%. I hit that deer below the brisket and centered his opposite front leg. I was mortified! My brother though I had a great hit but I told him I was sure I didn't even penetrate it's chest. We got out of the blind and found blood right away. We then tracked it about 80 yards to were it stopped and dropped quite large pool of blood. I stopped right there and said I'll be back in the morning. It was a crisp cold night with 2 inches of fresh snow so my mind was made up.
Back at sunrise I got on the trail and found about 7 beds in 200 yards then I jumped him and the chase was on. We went about 2 miles in a giant loop through public and private property when I finally tired him out and was able to put one in the boiler room when he tried to get out of a washed out pond thick with cattails. As long as the blood was falling I was after him and it paid off. I there was not snow I would not have found the deer. He almost gave me the slip twice even in the snow and bit of CSI and elimination got me back on track.