Looking at and buying old bows can be like going down a rabbit hole. If you search for completed listings on the 'bay auction site, you can get a good idea of what the going market price is . Lots of good bows on the classified s, here, too. If you just want an everyday shooter, a Bear Grizzly is a good start if its in decent shape.( I shoot a 1970 Grizzly covered with flat camo paint 44 years ago..still shoots 'em as good as new, but its no collector). For $120, a 65- 1990 Grizzly should be in VERY good shape the exception being a 1965 zebrawood, as those tend to go for about 33% more. If it was made between 65 and 69, the first digit of the serial number is the last digit of the year it was made, but that rule doesn't apply to any other era. If it says Bear, Archery Grayling Michigan on the limb decal, it was made in '77 or before. Gainsville, Florida is '78 or since. If you're not collecting, remember that all bows feel different in your hand and you want the one that feels good to you. Ben Pearsons feel different from Howatts feel different from Wings feel different from Bears feel different from Shakespeare, etc. Likewise, Bear and Ben Pearson, etc. made many different models, and a Bear Tigercat should shoot nearly the same as a Grizzly but typically cost 25% less these days, a Kodiak or Super Kodiak 25-33% more than a comparable Grizzly and Kodiak Hunter and Kodiak Magnum somewhere in between. You can find lots of good info for every vintage bow right here and on other forums. Or you could buy the one on craigslist and get to practicing.