Now this is where the test got interesting for me...
Let me start by saying. I totally agree with Terry. If you're going to test for wet weather, you must soak all of your equipment. Plus this test is tough because you can never control the amount of water that will be or is absorbed in that given time.
I will also say, I can't remember the last time I shot an arrow while it was pouring rain. Before yes, after yes, but during, I don't recall.
Some have told me that wool will absorb water like crazy and significantly decrease arrow speeds.
So here is what I did. I soaked each Hush Puppy full with water. Did they absorb water? Yes they did.
Dripping wet wool
Can you pluck your string a few times will out in the field? (After a hard rain or after dragging your gear through wet vegetation.) Yes you can.
Plucked a few times
So I soaked each Hush Puppy till they were dripping wet, plucked the string a few times and removed the excess water from the limbs. Then I immediately took it to the chrono and ran a few shots.
First shot was 157 fps. 1 fps slower than the dry wool average. Immediately took another shot, 156 fps. This was still good news...
Because I was taking consecutive shots I forgot to do one thing... What was that you ask??? I took another shot and it went down to 155 fps. What was going on? The Hush Puppies were getting lighter as all the water was being thrown from the wool.
Now here's where it got interesting and I want to try this again. I forgot to wipe down the limbs on those shots, so I grabbed my rag and wiped the limbs. Shot through the chorno again. Right back to 157 fps. Was this a fluke? I need to shoot wet limbs again...
Interesting results with wet limbs.
The main reason for doing this was to settle some insight that I was given about a significant loss of speed.
So two things learned. As Terry mentioned, water will affect all your gear, not just wet silencers. Secondly, if you pluck your wool silencers a few times before being shot, speed loss is only 1-2 fps slower (based on silencers built like mine).
Will wet wool silencers significantly lose speed? Not from my specific test and set up.