Got home about an hour ago. My test arrows were waiting for me. Had to try for just a few minutes. Set the brace height, put a nock on the string, tapered the arrows and took the heaviest field tip, 190, and tried the 60-65 arrow. Kinda fish tailed from 10 yds out. Tried the 55-60..same tip...about the same results, fletchings mostly hung over to the left. Just for grins tried the 45-50's with 145's. These seemed to fly pretty straight. All in a 7 1/2 inch paper plate from 15 - 20 yds. Not good groups, but in the plate. Haven't shot a recurve in about 12 years. My form isn't just bad, its non existant.
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I really felt lost. The test arrows are 45-50, 50-55,55-60-60-65. The field tips are from 125 to 190. I'd like to shoot 150 to 165 gr Simmons. What order would ya'll suggest testing these arrows out when I start serious tuning this weekend?
The is so smooth. I cannot believe how quiet it is with no silencers. Just a dull thud like, low vibration. I really really like it! As a reminder so you don't have to go read all the posts to make a suggestion, its 40#, 62". My draw length is 29-29.5 ( about 3 inches of arrow or a tad more seemed to be sticking out past the riser when I drew). My brace height is at 8.5. This is gonna be a great bow when I learn the proper form and release technique.