So guys this is a topic that has been top of mind lately, and I'm wrestling with the issue of success and broadhead failure.
So I've taken animals with zwickey deltas, magnus I, magnus vented 4blade, razorcaps, magnus stingers, woodsman, stos, and bear razorheads. They all work, and as they say "dead animals don't lie."
My issue is that when a head does it's job, but is not usable again is it broadhead failure or not. I want to think that i should be able to use a head over and over until i decide to retire it, but i seem to be expriencing more instances of a head breaking, coming apart, bending and such.
And then to go not too far off topic, but these are good heads, so how the heck do these mechanicals and replacement blades ever stay together?
I was reading Danny's thread on the new RMSG Cutthroat head, and it seems they too are trying to address broadhead breaking issues, and i like where they are going, But i don't want a 200+ grn.
So do i have realistic expectations and an accurate job description for my broadheads, or have i set my expectations too high?
Any suggestions on great flying, durable, consistently reusable 150 grn head?