are we having fun yet?
I pondered what to do a lot, but decided to sit the blind again last night. might as well stick with it, I want that big guy..
speaking of the big guy, my dad was out glassing for something to do the night I went on the scenic hike, and the big guy was by my blind in the daylight. damn the luck.
anyway, last night I was at it again I had a bunch of does come in, but no buck. the does were looking intently at something up the draw a bit from me though, and I kept a watchful eye. after they left I could see em. three deer. the bucks that I could see in the distance this morning! im not sure where all of their does went, but I got a good look at em. it was the bigger buck in the blurry pic, the heavy, freak buck from the trail cam earlier, and a heavy 2 point. the only one that came in was the two point, and it was almost dark. the other two had drifted off the other way.
now this posed a problem. with this full moon, I know deer can see. it is fairly open across to where I park. so I waited a bit longer until the 2 point was long gone and eased out. the moonlight was really bright, and when I got out a bit I actually could see my shadow. figured id glass to see where the two bigger bucks went but was unable to find them. in fact, I could only see one deer in the distance, and he wasn't that far away. maybe 150 yards.
it was my big guy. the one Im looking for.
I knew he could hear and see something but figured I had nothing to lose than to get out of there. when I got to my ride and drove off, he was still standing out there in the distance.
I knew where I had to be in the morning (today).