early setting moon this morning. neat watching the few clouds cover bits and pieces. this is from my driveway..
hunted where I did last night. the thought was I might get a good crack at that 4x3 while leaving the two big guys from yesterday morning alone for a day. tonight im on em again!
right at first light I saw a small top fork three point and a couple does moving along. I had a predetermined spot I was going to sit, but another herd in the distance swayed my opinion. 10 or 11 deer were mingling, with a big bodied one right in the middle. still pretty dark but I moved in as close as I could get and took a look.
all does.
dang it....
the sunrise was making some crazy colors.
my good buck was nowhere to be seen, so I made the trek to my favorite peninsula over a big canyon. this is where this particular buck seems to call home. on the way, I spotted a large, mature buck hounding a couple does in the distance. figured id keep that in mind for future reference.
out on the peninsula, there were a couple does moving around and a baby forkhorn but that was all I could see. so from the spot I took my buck a couple years ago, I set up and rattled. FOUND HIM!
the problem is, he was 300 yards out and had a couple gals with him. one of which he was very much interested in. I watched for a while, but seeing that he wasn't moving to me at all and there was no sure way to get close, I snuck away. don't want to push him out of the area. I ended up making the long trek to where the other mature buck was, and never did find him. hmm....
not the most eventful morning, but a pretty one at that. tonight im back after the two monsters.