I tell you what. if close only counted....
went in way early this morning to get in the blind. in what moonlight there was, I could see 9 or 10 deer milling around in the field in the distance. none of em looked big.
in the blind, it was slow. all of the action was behind me. finally after an hour and a half or so, this guy wandered by...
but no deer. I could see nothing from the blind. finally after a total of a couple hours, I figured that all the deer were on in from feeding, and I was going to hike some rimrocks and look for bedded bucks. anyway, getting out of the back of the blind (quietly), I could see a couple deer on down the field a ways. a doe and a buck. a BIG buck. actually ive seen him before. just a couple days ago in fact right in this very field. not wide, but very tall and extremely heavy. and, having not noticed me it appeared he was working my way. I quickly ducked back into the blind, checked out a back window once to make sure he was still coming. and I waited.
and I waited.
still waiting.
I have no idea where he went! this field borders a rimrock style canyon, so where my blind is the deer have to go out in front of me where I can see em. or maybe not, as I didn't see this guy go by. as still as I was holding, I assume he crossed lower in the field and went to bed without ever knowing I was around. dang.
I did work the rimrock around the field on the way out but to no avail. saw this group in the distance, but hes not a shooter anyway.
so, im back at it in the morning. have to be out of town this afternoon. im telling ya, that buck is a toad! wish id have taken a pic instead of trying to get hid.