sorry I had nothing this morning, it was -14 when I got up. guess I don't want it that bad..
these geese must, however. wonder if they wish they were a week further south right about now?
hunted my favorite spot tonight. it usually is just rocking in the snow. by the look of all the tracks, id say in the last three days rocking would be the proper word.
the snow just makes this country gorgeous. deer stand out in it as well. however, even when there aren't any in sight, I just love being here...
crazy, however, while there were tracks everywhere, there were deer nowhere. actually I could see in numerous places in the distance, but close enough for a picture or stalk was just not happening. there was a spot I was actually aiming to get to, and the tracks were just thick in there. deer had been going in all directions! I decided to do a rattling session. it attracted some attention.
there were four does in the group, and they came on the run. not all the way in, they finally settled and started feeding just over 100 yards away, but watching em run in from so far was cool. problem is, there wasn't a buck with em. I must not be a very good rattler. seems I get does coming in often enough but the bucks just don't respond. who knows.
I didn't even get close to a buck tonight. I did find what I think is a mule deer scrape. there were tracks going everywhere from this. what do you think?
pretty cool I thought. and the tracks. there were old tracks (snows only three days so no older than that). there were fresh tracks. fresh and old beds. I could tell that deer had been all over but just not tonight.
driving out in the dark, that heavy 4x3 (one of my target bucks) was down below with a couple does. could see em in the snow even in the dark, actually my rattling was just over the crest from him. kind of surprised he didn't come take a peak, he didn't seem to be THAT involved with any of his female companions.
pretty night, fruitless as it was. unfortunately this blog is going to slow down for a few days. vacations over, I start night shifts tomorrow night. I wont keep ya hanging though, any hunting I get done, youll know about it. I bet this bitter cold and better weather coming (highs mid 30s to 40 next week) gets this rut thing a rolling. late November is the typical magical time here. better days are on the horizon.