If it comes out high left, it might be hitting the shelf and kicking; lots of people interpret this as nock too high and move it down, which only confuses things, because it doesn't fix it. Go WAY up with the nock, then work down slowly one turn at a time (why I use tie on nocks) till it levels off, then stop. As mentioned, tie a second nock under the arrow to keep it from slipping down as you draw. Contact like that might make you think the arrow is too weak, but I shoot that same arrow out of a 45lb recurve at just shy of 28" draw, 28.75" long. You might actually need more point weight at your draw, unless that is actual weight at your draw length, and not the standard 28" measurement. I use 125, but can shoot up to 150; it will bare shaft slightly weak with that point, but flies fine with feathers. Plucking the string on release can also make the arrow do funny things. Google Adcock's bare shaft planing method, and you'll get a link that explains how to do that. It works even if your form is not perfect. Good luck. Paul.