While we're on this topic, I've got to ask because since I switched to ILF I've come to realize a bow scale would be very handy to track bow weight/tiller adjustments. If such a dual purpose device exists, is it "beefy" enough to handle the task involved? What I mean is that when checking luggage I'm envisioning simply picking a suitcase off the ground a few inches. If something failed, the results aren't likely to be catastrophic. When measuring a bow you're likely to have a marked arrow on it to determine the draw length. My buddy at the archery shop says nothing terrifies him more than checking the draw weight on traditional bows. When I helped him check mine I understood why. Even with heavy compounds you can pull/push straight down and use body weight to get to let-off, after that you're holding nothing. With trad there is none and even with lighter bows you invariably end up pulling out and away from the anchor with an arrow pointing in your vicinity. His scale would hold a cow, but it's still intimidating. I wouldn't want to do it with junk. Is there a safer way? I hand held model that you hold in your draw hand like a release aid would be nice.