I think mine is 42 yards or so. That is a 45@29 Hill drawn to close to 31" (around 50#) and shooting 600 grain arrows. I use a split grip and anchor with my middle finger in the corner of my mouth. I try to focus on my spot, but am aware of my point. At hunting ranges (20 yds and in) my point is somewhere around a whitetail's feet. Actually, I should say on my 3d target's feet. In hunting situations, I'm not really thinking about where my point is in relation to where I want the arrow to hit.
Funny story, a couple of years ago, I was working with a friend on tuning his bow. He was new to all things archery and was curious about arrow "drop". He was trying to relate it to bullet drop. I explained that a much more useful term was the "point on" distance.
I should mention that we had just switched him over to a 3 under grip, so his point on was within 20 yards. We had set his bow up correctly, gone from ill fitting 300 grain arrows to correctly matched 550 grain ones, and he was really shooting some nice groups.
After a bite of lunch, we went back out to shoot some more. His bow was tillered for split, so it did have a bit of thump when shot with 3 under. He decided to shoot split for a few shots to see if it indeed made a difference. So, he nocks an arrow, pulls back, looses one, and launches an arrow completely over the target and into the side of his johnboat.
He looked at me like "what the hell!?!" I had neglected to tell him that he would have to adjust his point on distance, and that now, at 15 yards, his point would be somewhere at the bottom of the target. On the plus side, he got good penetration on that johnboat.