I lived in south TX for six years. Dillas were everywhere.
I was the only guy in the hunt club who used a recurve bow. This was 1977. I shot one with a Kodiak .409 fiberglass arrow once and it hopped up into the air and landed on it's back where it died. Half the shaft was sticking out of each side of the critter.
I use to catch them for a local taxidermist. He stuffed them and sold'em to various clients.
When you put the sneak on a dilla, you have to grab it by it's tail and instantly keep changing hands. The dilla will twist it's whole body causing you to loose your grip. If you keep changing hands, he will tire. When he does, stab'em in the throat and take to the taxidermist.
Chasing dillas is one of the treats of south TX!
Oh, there was a joke of the day back then. It goes something like this.
"How many aggies does it take to eat an armadillo?" The answer is two...one to watch for cars! hehehe!