WARNING graphic pics to follow.
Well, as many of you know Bill is about to unleash another new broad head. He sent me a few of the prototypes so I could get them red and see how they are. These are the new lighter Grizzly instincts. They weigh in at 175 grains (without adapter). The first Instinct that came out at the beginning of the seasons was a 200 grain. They are a little heavy for me so I was excited to give these 175's a go. These new ones are the exact same size in length and width with the same 1-1/8" cutting diameter. The way he did that was in making the ferrel metal thinner. With all the pieces mating together as they are designed this head has no loss in the toughness department.
Getting them perfectly mounted and very sharp was really simple and they fly fantastic. I shot three arrows with field tips and three shafts with the BH attached. Groups were as good as the field tips.
After the back yard testing was completed last week, I took them to the tree this weekend. Saturday evening I had 13 deer all around but none would give me a perfect shot. A small and a good buck were still chasing like crazy and ran 4 does right by me at one point. This morning I arose early and headed to my stand I hunted the night before. After about two hours of dead calm woods I decided to get down and go up the hill about 200 yards to a ladder stand Lowebow had told me about that he had hung earlier in the season.
Just as I got set and all in order I heard a rustling in the leaves and looked to see a small deer coming my way. I raised the Nikon's to see if there were any buttons on top and was glad to not find any. With that I went into ready mode. She kept coming and got on a trail that was the reason Mike had hung this ladder stand and it would bring her right to me if she stayed on it.
She continued on the trail never leaving it and eventually walked right in front of me at 14 yards. I drew my Nitro, focused on a spot and the new Instinct was off!
The shot was a bit forward and a touch high but on impact she instantly hit the ground. My lead was a bit much I suspect as she never stopped at the shot, or its the stands fault. The ladder had sunk in the mud and the very small, leaning forward platform wanted to dump me out when I stood. Its hard to get good help to hang a stand properly for me! (Haha). I got down and quickly dispatched her with another shot. I don't like hitting them in the spine but this would prove a good test for the new lightweight Instinct.
Treestand in the background
Bill leaves the tips of the Instincts very sharply pointed and from the concrete block test I knew it wouldn't roll over but that was hitting something hard straight on and I was wondering about them curling when hitting bone. As you can see, the tip not only didn't roll but stayed perfectly intact. You wouldn't know this head from a brand new one if laid side by side. I mounted it back up when I got home and it spins perfect. The aluminum insert and adapter didn't fare so well. Not sure if it bent when it hit or when she rolled over on my arrow.
Very pleased with these heads from the price, quality, ease of sharpening to their performance.
Stay safe guys and I'll see some of you in Georgia next week.