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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Anyone want to hog hunt east tx? (4/22-4/26) already making plans for next year!  (Read 13079 times)

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Good luck to all of you guys! Can't wait to read the recap.


Offline Mark Normand

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suggestions.. as you get out and about, make the distinction between flooded areas for:

mosquitos: seen many a time here during turkey season where no skeets over flatwater, however on nearby dry land they were horrendous in the grasses/leaf/cover.

Flooded: best swamp hunts have always been during higher water, pushing pigs and concentrating them more. Hearing them move around is much better, all the noise cancels out their hearing, and your movement noise as well. Recall how they move stop move stop move stop, plan your moves accordingly.
I've had them come very close by while trailing and splashing along.

I sure hope ya'll get some action!
Stalker ILF recurve
Dakota II longbow

Offline Paul/KS

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Good luck to everyone.

Offline Wudstix

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Well Fellas, looks like the group will be one less.  Family commitments have changed and my kitchen pass is no longer valid.  So I will not be making the 5+ hour trek North to be with you.  Hopefully, this will turn into an annual event so I can put it on the radar.
 :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!!!" - Me

Psalms 121: 1-3 - King David

60" Big River 67#@28"              
60" MOAB D/R LB 62#@27"
60" Big River D/R LB 65#@27"
62" Kota Badlands LB 72#@28"
62" Howatt TD 62#@28
58” Bear Grizzly 70#@28”
62" Big River D/R LB 60#@30"
66" Moosejaw Razorback LB 60#@28"

"Memento Mori"
PBS - Associate Member
Retired DoD Civ 1985-2019

Offline Hackbow

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Thanks for the tips Mark. We've had a really wet Spring thus far. We are grateful for the moisture,  but it has made hunting Old Sabine problematic.

Wudstix, sorry you can't make it. Hopefully we'll get another chance to meet up with you soon.

The chili is made, I'm packing the truck and have a few chores to complete before heading out in a few hours. Hope to have multiple reports of hogs assuming room temperature.

Offline Crittergetter

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Hey Marty I sent you a pm, call when you get to Tyler and head this way
An elitist mentality creates discord, even among the elite!
"I went jackalope hunting but all I saw was does!"
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity, I just need more opportunities!

Offline Crittergetter

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So far Jim and Wally jumped a couple of pigs ,me and Wally had a coyote walk within 15 yrds of us,  I jumped a sow and some piglets, Dan jumped an 8 ft gator and we saw one pissed off crawfish! He was ready for battle so we Gave him a wide path and backed away slowly!! More to come!!
An elitist mentality creates discord, even among the elite!
"I went jackalope hunting but all I saw was does!"
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity, I just need more opportunities!

Offline Wudstix

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Weather should be good for pig hunting.  Changed oil in truck, got a haircut, rode 27.54 miles on my Hardrock, picked up grand daughter at day care.  Fill me in on the adventure, this old man will be living vicariously.

  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!!!" - Me

Psalms 121: 1-3 - King David

60" Big River 67#@28"              
60" MOAB D/R LB 62#@27"
60" Big River D/R LB 65#@27"
62" Kota Badlands LB 72#@28"
62" Howatt TD 62#@28
58” Bear Grizzly 70#@28”
62" Big River D/R LB 60#@30"
66" Moosejaw Razorback LB 60#@28"

"Memento Mori"
PBS - Associate Member
Retired DoD Civ 1985-2019

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

PBS Associate Member
Wisconsin Traditional Archers

>~TGMM~> <~Family~Of~The~Bow~<

Offline Crittergetter

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Without going into to much detail, so far today there has been multiple sightings and 1 misplaced arrow!
An elitist mentality creates discord, even among the elite!
"I went jackalope hunting but all I saw was does!"
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity, I just need more opportunities!

Offline awbowman

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Nice guys, keep the updates coming
62" Super D, 47#s @ 25-1/2"
58" TS Mag, 53#s @ 26"
56" Bighorn, 46#s @ 26.5"

Offline awbowman

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They must be busy skinning hogs!
62" Super D, 47#s @ 25-1/2"
58" TS Mag, 53#s @ 26"
56" Bighorn, 46#s @ 26.5"

Offline Hackbow

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Unfortunately, that is not the case Fred. We've had some opportunities, but with even more rain the hunting has been tough.  A lot of ground is underwater and most of what isn't is very muddy. We are having a great time and look forward to recapping after we get home. It takes too long to upload any pics out here in the boonies, so they will have to wait. We still have a couple days left - back after them in the morning!

Offline Crittergetter

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Tough is an understatement! It is the toughest hog hunting conditions I have ever experienced. But these guys aren't quiting and i have all the faith in the world they are going to get it done! Jim and Wally saw several at different times and Jim got a shot but didn't connect. Wally got a good look at a 200lb + boar, Jon and Marty saw 5 this morning and almost got a shot off. So we're seeing a few but they are having to work VERY hard at it!
An elitist mentality creates discord, even among the elite!
"I went jackalope hunting but all I saw was does!"
Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity, I just need more opportunities!

Offline Wudstix

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I you got half the rain we got last night in SA the hogs are treading water, and you guys are sleeping in trees.
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!!!" - Me

Psalms 121: 1-3 - King David

60" Big River 67#@28"              
60" MOAB D/R LB 62#@27"
60" Big River D/R LB 65#@27"
62" Kota Badlands LB 72#@28"
62" Howatt TD 62#@28
58” Bear Grizzly 70#@28”
62" Big River D/R LB 60#@30"
66" Moosejaw Razorback LB 60#@28"

"Memento Mori"
PBS - Associate Member
Retired DoD Civ 1985-2019

Offline Wallydog

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Just got back home to Illinois last night from Texas. Its 942 miles but who's counting. Jim's mother in law passed away while we were on the road home and so we thought it best to drive straight through. She knew the Lord and it was not unexpected and so the great circle of life continues.
  We arrived in Texas on Saturday afternoon and set about to getting the million and one things done that camping and licenses entails. Finally got groceries and headed to OSB WMA.
  I have to admit at being shocked at the amount of water we found. I know its a "bottoms" but dang! The wettest spring in 20 yrs. was the verdict from the locals. The campground wasn't bad wet and there is a nice outbuilding with a gravel floor on site. The building had the makings of a nice shelter from the elements. They even had a very cool winch rig with meat pole right there also.
   It wasn't until Sunday that we finally got out the archery equipment and took a few practice shots before heading out.

Offline Wallydog

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It didn't take long for the extent of the flooding to sink in. The ATV trails were closed and that was probably a good idea. They were by then actually like the Canals of Venice. They were under water and wading in ankle to knee high water was the reality. We picked an area and set off.
  I have to admit that I was optimistic that we would find some high ground and then hunt the edges of that while watching the wind. While there was some high spots they weren't large enough to be of use in that plan. For the next 3 days we hunted hard until Jim finally jumped 2 bedded pigs. They were in some thicker stuff and no shot was presented even though he was within 10 yds. They moved off and never did figure out where Jim was. Looking back now Id have to say that the hogs had probably moved off to drier ground. We just didn't know where that was.

Offline Wudstix

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Hope you guys didn't get the hail, wind and rain we go last night.  Tore about half the leaves of the live oak in the back yard, though the bedroom window was gonna come in and I'd wake up soaked in bed.  Have not seen this much hail damage in many years.  Hope the hogs are coorperating and you have some blood on your knives.  LDP's please.
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!!!" - Me

Psalms 121: 1-3 - King David

60" Big River 67#@28"              
60" MOAB D/R LB 62#@27"
60" Big River D/R LB 65#@27"
62" Kota Badlands LB 72#@28"
62" Howatt TD 62#@28
58” Bear Grizzly 70#@28”
62" Big River D/R LB 60#@30"
66" Moosejaw Razorback LB 60#@28"

"Memento Mori"
PBS - Associate Member
Retired DoD Civ 1985-2019

Offline Wallydog

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Day four found us in a whole different section of OSB thanks to previous scouting by Randy Madden who lives in the area. This is a newer growth area that butts up to a power line clear cut. All of us went there and split up to systematically cover the area. BINGO! Hog sign bigtime! It was pretty cool to smell them while keeping the wind in your face and sneaking thru the swamp. Trails and rooting and hog sign everywhere. My hunting partner Jim Pessina of Indian Creek Archery bumped up 3 pigs and took a running shot at 25 yds. Jim is a better than average shot so this wasn't too much of a stretch for him. The arrow sailed just over the hogs back. Of course I explained to him to shoot lower so that wouldn't happen. He must have been impressed with my knowledge as he couldn't speak and only shook his head slowly. It was a very tough day and it got up to about 85. I had forgot my water and downed 4 bottles after getting back to the truck.But we were ON Em!

Offline Wallydog

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I think I need to give credit where it is due here. Randy Madden suggested this hunt and I must say that Randy and his wife Christy did an outstanding job helping and organizing this endeavor. Every aspect of this hunt would have been a lot more difficult without them both stepping up. A fajita dinner and all the trimmings was cooked entirely by them both for 7 hungry hunters plus their 3 beautiful daughters. Good people and great Texas hospitality.

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