Sunday morning arrived early. We were up before sunrise in an effort to make the most of our last day. Dan had left during the night and the three of us that remained had to leave that afternoon.
Marty had a plan to hunt a portion of the area where we had previously seen hogs. The was a finger of dry ground that was surrounded on three sides by a slough. We planned to follow the slough and make our way down the finger.
We spread out and started our hunt, always keeping the slough on our right side.

Marty and I met up and began to make our way down the narrow peninsula. It was only about forty yards wide so we each took an edge. As we progressed the swamp started to open up a bit.

We started to see more sign. This picture doesn't do justice to the amount of sign we began to see.

Marty was downwind from me so I let him ease forward a bit in an effort not to spook any pigs that may have been between us. Suddenly I saw Marty waving his hand and pointing ahead. I turned to look and saw the silhouette of a hog rooting in some brush. The patch of brush was at the very tip of the dry ground, surrounded on three sides by the slough. I had the wind in my favor and began to slip towards the hog using trees for cover. Finally there were no more trees and I had 15 yards between me and the hog, but I wanted to get closer. The hog was focused on rooting so I began to slowly stalk closer. When I was at 10 yards the hog turned broadside and I decided to chance a shot into the brush. I came to full draw and released only to have my arrow deflected by a branch and skid under the pig. The brush patch exploded in a fury of swine as four pigs tried to escape. One ran directly at Marty and didn't realize he was there until it was ten feet away. It wheeled around and made a wide turn to run between Marty and I. For some reason these hogs seemed intent on staying out of the water. They scrambled down the peninsula behind us and out of sight.
I looked over and saw a huge smile plastered on Marty's face. We both agreed that this encounter had put an exclamation point on the end of our hunt. We hunted our way back to the parking lot without seeing another hog, but with smiles on our faces the whole time.
I want to thank everyone who participated in this hunt. I had never been on a group hunt or a hog hunt and this exceeded all my expectations. Randy and Kristi's hospitality was unmatched and if Randy decides to host another hunt I will do my best to be there.
Thanks for coming along.