This is a story, about 4 young boys, many years ago.....
Back in 1975,in my 2nd year of High School, I met my friend Butch. He was in his Freshman year. We were both Hunters,from hunting familys & we hit it right off. The following year,his younger brother Jeff started High School,and then there were 3 of us... That "Winter Recess" I decided to have a "Hunting Party"... A foot of snow was on the ground & Rabbits,Squirrels,Partridge were the game. It was an unsuccessful hunt,but man we had a time!!! Later that winter, I was invited to the boys house & met thier youngest brother Timmy. Timmy started High School the next fall, and then thier were 4.....
The Brothers & I were inseperable!!! We hunted & fished together every chance we got. We NEVER missed an "Opening Day" for any season that opened. We hunted with guns & bows. Actualy, we all took our Bowhunter Ed. class together when it became mandatory. We all hunted with recurves, untill Butch decided to buy one of those new "Compound Bows". We shot aluminium arrows with plastic vanes, off a Bear Weatherest on our recurves. The Brothers favored Savora "Swept-Wing" broadheads, with thier razor sharp interchangable blades. I was a Bear Razorhead fan & used old screw-in Bear Greenies on my arrows. Soon, The Brothers all bought compounds, but I hung on to my old Bear Alaskan for a few more years untill finaly caving to the compound craze. Over the years,we chased deer like crazy!!! Hunting together almost every day after school & every weekend.
The Brother's Grandparents had a farm in Walton,NY (Deleware Co.) Thier Grandfather owned a large part of South Mountain,and I was invited up for the Opening Day of "Rifle Season" in 1978. I killed my 1st Buck(a spikehorn) on Opening Day,and Butch killed a 3pt on the second day. Over the years, us boys made many trips to both bow & gun hunt on that Deleware Co. mountain. In 1980 Butch & Timmy bow killed a big 4pt Buck that they had named "The Pumpkin Buck" because he ate in the Pumpkin Patch every morning,before heading up the mountain to bed. Butch arrowed him 1st and the brothers took up the bloodtrail... They jumped him in a patch of mountain laurel,and Timmy put another arrow into him,sealing the deal. Thier picture was in the local newspaper,"The Walton Reporter" and thier success was anounced on the local radio station "WDLA"!!!
In 1981, Butch married my sister Nancy. The 4 inseperable friends, were now "Family"!!! We all hunted and fished together every chance we could. In 1987, I married my ex-wife and my sister Nancy and now "Brother Inlaw" Butch, were Maid of Honor & Best Man in our wedding party. We were always very close and always seeing each other. A few years later, Butch was offered a job with a Cablevision Co. in Deleware Co. and he,my sister & boys moved up there to start a home. Jeff & Timmy both moved north, to differant countys,and we didn't see much of each other anymore. As time went on, we saw each other less & less..... Every time I wanted to make a trip up, my ex-wife would pitch a fit!!! If I took off & went up anyways(alone) there was always "hell to pay" when I got home!!!!! Soon, it became a HUGE PITA, to even try and get up there at all. My ex-wife & I had our divorce finalized a couple years ago.
This past spring,my baby sister Terri,was diagnosed with Cancer. It was widespread & the prognosis was not good. Hospis was brought in & my sister Nancy was at her house more than home. I stopped by every day & we saw alot of each other over those couple months. My baby sister Terri died the 1st of July, and it was decided that her ashes would be intered in Deleware Co. with my nephew Cody,who was killed when his truck rolled over in 2009. We would have a memorial when the time came. In Sept, we had my sisters Terri's memorial... A "Celebration of Life". At her memorial, My son Tyler's "Uncle Butch" got ahold of him and told him, "Tell your Dad to bring you up for the Opening Day of Deer Season"(rifle) Tyler wanted to go up, and I promised him we would. I called My sister Nancy & made plans...
A few weeks ago, I got a phone call from the youngest brother Timmy..... "Are you REALLY coming up to Deer Camp"????? I assured him we were!!! We talked for an hour! You could hear the excitement in our voices,as we remembered old times. I said,"It's been a long time,since we all hunted together" Then Timmy said, "Gotta be damn near 30 years....." Then we got quiet. Realizing the time we had lost... DON'T BLINK!!! Kenny Cheasney wrote a song by that title,and if you've ever heard it, you know what I mean. Time flys by, in the blink of an eye!!!
Years ago, The brothers bought the mountain off their grandfather, and several years ago, the brothers & their Dad built a small cabin on the mountain. A "Deer Camp" was born!!!!! Tyler & I drove up Nov.14th. We went up to the cabin and he was introduced to his "Uncle Jeff" whom he has only met once before,years ago. Tyler chipped right in helping to clean out the cabin & get wood for the stove. We unpacked and his "Uncle Timmy" arrived around noon. Tyler was made right at home,and fell right in with the guys. There was not an "awkward" moment at all!!! One of my biggest fears,was that the many years apart,had "changed" us... But,THAT was not to be!!!!! After dinner, The stories came out. Of 4 young boys, who were inseperable friends, and later...Family! Opening Day, we woke up, had breakfast, and headed out..... The plan was,for Tyler & I to head up the mountain and st where I shot my 1st Buck. Perhaps, magic would happen again??? Tyler saw 4 deer, but didn't get a shot. We walked around the mountain. I was getting my bearings after so many years, and Tyler was getting his "mountain legs" LMAO! That evening,We were joined in camp by his cousin Tyler.(His Uncle Timmy's son) The 2 young boys hit it right off!!! My son Tyler, Had never met his cousin Tyler, but you'd think they had known each other for years!!! After dinner, more stories, then a warm sleeping bag. The next day, We headed out... After a couple hours,we got word on the radio, That Cousin Tyler hit a Buck & they were on the blood. After about an hour, Uncle Butch & Uncle Timmy, came down the logging road toward us. Tyler's Uncle Jeff & Cousin Tyler,were on the blood trail. Butch & Timmy were going down the mountain & try to get ahead of them, to cut the Buck off. I told them "OK, Tyler & I will wait here, in case he comes back up". Uncle Timmy said..."HELL NO!!! I'm taking Tyler with me!!! Maybe he'll get a shot..." Then, off my son went with his Uncles..... I quickly realized, He is FAMILY!!! Right before my eyes, He became, "A Deer Hunter"
I heard some chatter on the radio, They were on good blood. They lost it, they found it. It crossed a stream. It crossed a road. It was headed up another mountain.... After awhile, Butch came up the mountain toward me. We set under a Hemlock to catch his breath... I asked him how was Tyler doing??? He said "GREAT! He kept up,never complained,They put Tyler on the blood & he followed it. Then he lost it, but quickly found it again... The Buck crossed a stream and Tyler went right acrossed the stream after it!!!!! Then, the Buck crossed the road and headed up another mountain... His Uncle told me, "Last time I saw Tyler, He was headed up Houck Mountain, hot on that Buck's A$$!!!!!" After awhile Timmy called Butch on the radio. "Get the truck & come get me!" We headed back to the Cabin & Butch took the truck to get his brother. I went in the cabin & threw some wood in the stove..... The truck pulled up to the cabin awhile later & Butch & Timmy got out..... "Where's my kid???" I asked Timmy. "He's up on the mountain,helping Tyler gut & drag his Buck down!" I asked Timmy how he did??? "GREAT!!!!! That blood trail was every bit of 3 miles long!!! We put him on the blood & he stayed right on it. We lost it for awhile,then he found where it crossed the stream, He went right through the stream & took off after it again!!! The Buck crossed the road & headed up Houck Mountain, The damn kid crossed the road and went right up after him!!!!! I'm telling you right now! That Damn Kid of yours, Is a DEER HUNTER!!!!!"
Later that afternoon, When we were getting ready to call it a day... Tyler shook his Uncle Butch & Uncle Timmy's hands & thanked them for having him up. He asked if he could come back again???
They both said... "Why wouldn't you??? You're FAMILY!!!!!"