I know our type of hunting isn't what you are looking for, and certainly many folks do not consider it hunting at all. We use corn feeders on small tracts of private land. It has been our experience that landowners in South Florida are pretty picky who goes after their hogs, even though they are a nuisance.
And certainly to each his own as far as your style of hunting.
Some guys do not mind walking all week and not seeing much game. We used to have a lease in Southern GA. It was that way, because the leases that surrounded us were dog hunters with no respect for boundaries or hunting style. They knew we had feeders and would start their dogs there when we were not around.
When it comes down to taking home meat, most guys will agree that a corn feeder does a pretty good job of keeping hogs around and offering the most shot opportunities. It is also possible to "stalk the feeders" as many times hogs will bed close by.
Hunting over a feeder is as easy as...."Like shooting fish in a barrel"?
Not exactly.
We've seen many trailing jobs that ended in a blood trail that did not produce. And we are talking shot distances around 15 yards from a low (ten foot) elevated stand. Vitals are small, hogs are moving, you know the deal.
So, in our opinion, it is still a skill and a definite legitimate style of hunting.
We have some spot and stalk opportunities in South Florida, but not enough for five guys all week long.
Australia might be good, for truly wild, free range, unrestricted roaming, as was mentioned.
Certain outfitters in Texas may also be good. Lots more acreage than we have.
I might also check Argentina.
The trouble with public WMAs in Florida are the very limited amount of time they are open for hunting.
Just my two cents and good luck in your search.
I would also listen to what "killinstuff" has to say. He is a good friend and has hunted hogs in as many places as anybody....knows what he is talking about, and would help you in any way with his advice.
Let us know what you find as others may be interested in where to go as well.