Twenty four degrees with a light southeast breeze...perfect weather for a Thanksgiving weekend hunt! The stand I chose for today is a very familiar maple that I have used since 1983. I'm blessed to have sole permission to hunt this north central Iowa farm.
With the Iowa shotgun season just around the corner I knew that this weekend might be my last time in the woods to fill the freezer.
A few minutes after legal shooting time I glanced over my right shoulder and noticed two deer browsing their way towards me. Just as I thought this might go somewhere, they turned and started back where they had come from.
Within minutes they were back and the lead deer started making his way towards my treestand. The slight breeze was going to create a problem soon but the buck walked right up to me and started sniffing my steps. Wow! How did I get away with that? Soon he turned and walked broadside to me at about eight yards. Now is what I've been waiting for and I slowly began my draw.
My scent finally must have registered with him for he took a big jump and started looking intensely for the foreign odor. Here I am at half draw and know that I'm not about to shoot at a deer on high alert.
Within seconds he settled back down and slowly started walking back the way he had come. I had to shift my bow to aim between two large limbs and when he was broadside again I released.
What a great feeling to see your buck go down in the snow! My arrow caught both lungs and the deer ran only about sixty yards. What a great Thanksgiving weekend this has been!