Many years ago, when I was young and foolish. I had a buck come out in an alfalfa field, angling away from me. I got the bright idea to shoot over the animal, thinking perhaps when the arrow hit it would spook the animal back in my direction. I was shooting a 65# @ 28" Howatt Hunter. I drew back aiming high and forward of the deer. The buck heard the shot and started running, I could see the feathers as the arrow spun, and thought that is going to be close. As the buck, and arrow converged, the arrow struck the buck just behind the shoulder, and went through, but got hung up on the fletch. I could see the broadhead end of the arrow sticking out, along with blood spray as the deer continued running. He went about 80 yards down the field and dropped. I counted 71 paces to the blood trail, and walked down to the deer, and found the arrow stuck through its heart. That was in 1978. I had hunted in 76, and 77 with a Proline compound, and 78 was the first year I went back to a recurve. I've shot many deer since, but never tried a shot like that again.