This years hunting started on Nov. 05 even though the 2014 bow season opened on the 1st. Work and other obligations seemed to have left me a very narrow window to hunt in this season.
I had intended to go into an area that held good elk numbers and also held a mineral lick that I like to hunt. I got a later start than I preferred so I decided to check out another area that I had seen good whitetail movement in this August.
It was a beautiful morning which would turn hot later but right now it just felt good to be out on the mountain. Have you ever noticed how when you get away from all the stresses of every day work and spend your first morning with your bow in your hand, pack on your back and the wind in your face that all seems right with your world once again? It was good to smell the pines, really hear the rustle of the wind in the birch and aspen leaves and once again feel the earth breath. I could feel this feeling of contentment slowly creeping over me and all was right with my world again.
I had worked into a small draw that funnels the deer up from a feeding area to some ledges that are fairly thick and used for bedding on. There was a well used trail angling above me with a massive root ball from a blown over pine tree about 15 yards from the trail that would make a great natural blind so I hunkered down with my Bear recurve and enjoyed the morning.
I had just got situated when along comes a doe with twins in tow. Those two little ones were still in full spots and running all over the place playing. It was a pleasure just to watch them and they seemed in no great hurry to follow mom up the trail. One of them came sliding right up to the root ball and I could have reached out and touched him but hay, that would have ended their fun and I was enjoying this to much to interfere with their game. They hung around for several minutes before deciding to continue up the trail to follow mom.
I had been sitting there for some time as the morning heated up and the wind currents had changed. It was about 8:00 and I was thinking of heading down when off to my right and down the trail I seen a deer coming. It was a spike buck and legal to take but he was going to get a pass as I had enjoyed the morning just watching the day come alive. Suddenly I noticed two more bucks behind him, one was a small three point and the last one in line was a young four point. I had to give my head a shake to remind myself what I was doing out there.
I new that if I wanted an opportunity to take the back buck, I would have to shoot him before the spike hit my scent stream. The spike came opposite to me on the trail then it was the three point. I put tension on the string and hoped the four point would give me the shot before the spike winded me. Finally the four point was positioned on the trail for a shot and the spike still hadn't hit my scent trail.
Everything went into auto mod, I don't remember my release and those 60# limbs drive that 520 grain arrow faster than my eye could follow at 15 yards. There was a loud crack and the deer was taken off his feet and rolled down the hill to my right. I had spined him and it required a second arrow to dispatch him.
Although extremely happy to have gotten him I was pretty shaken up by having to use the second arrow to finish him.
I didn't take a lot of pictures as it was getting hot and I wanted to get him dressed and off the mountain.
Now this is where the lost pictures come in, as some of you know my trade hunting journey started in the fall of 2012 with the hanging up of my rifles and the sale of my 4 compond bows.
I was blessed with the opportunity to take a magnificent bull elk and post the story here.
Now later that year I went on our annual mule deer hunt and harvested a great mule deer but did not post the story as I couldn't find or remember (senior moment) where the pictures were.
When I down loaded the pics from this years white tail there all the pictures were from the 2012 mule deer hunt. I'm not sure if it is right to post the story and pictures of a hunt that happened two years ago but if so I'll let you decide if you are interested.
I'll post the picture of the start of that hunt only at this time.