Fell out of my stand this year while in a hurry to move it, wind was wrong for a ridge stand I've had success in a lot before. I was in to damn of a hurry, stand was a ladder stand, I unstrapped top ratchet strap and stand popped out away from tree. There I stood in no mans land for about thirty seconds until.....you know it, over backwards still holding on to stand. I crawled about 400 yds to my vehicle, then spent about 3 hrs in the ER, had xrays, MRI and a c-scan. Nothing hurt except my pride and the 3 herniated discs in my lower back which give me syatica down both legs. Gotta really think when up in a tree, usually have 2 guys to move ladder stands, but I was in too much of a hurry..............oh ya, my feet were at about 15-17 feet, ground is unusually hard when you hit from that high....I'll use a prussic when entering and leaving from now on