Sorry about taking so long to get my part posted, it's been a little crazy around here the past week. The story continues!
Day 1 Wednesday, after getting camp situated it was time to get out in the bush and scout, hopefully finding that sweet spot to set up for the following mornings hunt. Jeff, Tim and I ventured 4 miles north to North Dike. There we found an abundance of both deer and hog sign, so we decided that we would try our luck here. Jeff would head west towards Crematorium Road, Tim selected a spot near Horseshoe Dike and North Dike and I was headed east to North Dike and Middle Trail.
We made the loop around East Trail along North Dike then back to camp on North Trail. We put close to 8 miles on the boots and I was not prepared for the long walks, thinking more about water and snakes. My bad! Next time I will be wearing hiking boots for the walk in and packing snake boots. Speaking of snakes, I was talking with the biologist and he said that Black Beard Island has the highest concentration of vipers on the east coast. So for those of you that fall into the Ophidiophobia category you will want to think twice about this hunt. You will see snakes!

Back at camp there was a fire going and we had dinner on in short order. Spaghetti & Meatballs were on the menu, packing carbs for the hunt. Then it was time for a little fellowship around the campfire to hear how everyone's scouting adventure went.
Alarm clock sounded and Jeff was out of the sack and dressed in no time. I think he must have been really excited to hit jurassic park. Breakfast consisted of a 2" thick slice of homemade pumpkin bread thanks to my lovely wife. After washing down breakfast we grabbed our bows and packs and headed north. The plan was arrive just prior to day break and get set up. When I made it to the spot I had chosen I found a fresh wad of toilet paper hanging in a branch leading me to believe that someone had beat me to the punch so I kept on heading east on North Dike. Not being totally sure where to spend my morning at this point I kept walking. I arrived at the intersection of North Dike and East Trail just as darkness gave way to light and the sounds of the island creatures waking up. If I could I would upload an audio file here, it's just about impossible to describe the sounds.
Here's a photo taken from the intersection just after day break.

Not having a specific spot ready as my back up and being close to the beach access I decided to make a quick dash out to the beach to catch the sunrise. I was not able to get out on the beach due to high tide, but did manage to capture a nice picture. This spot is known as the "Bone Yard"

It's really difficult to hunt and photograph at the same time and my focus was on hunting, so I headed back west on North Dike. Coming around a slight bend in the trail I found several game trails that crossed and the sandy road was covered in grass with a few live oak acorns scattered around. I located a nice oak that I could easily climb into and within minutes I was up about 10' perched ready for action.
Here's a view just after sunrise from my overlook towards the Atlantic Ocean.

My view down North Dike looking north west.

There was a very light breeze blowing in from the beach, the set up seemed perfect. Not long after getting situated I caught movement and out stepped a doe onto the trail. She turned my way and began feeding towards me at about 75 yards. My heart was in my throat and fingers gripped the bowstring tight. No way could it be this easy I thought, I was right. At 50 yards she turned to her right and disappeared back in the tangle of palmetto. I kept my fingers crossed that she would pop back out and cruise by giving me that 5 yard shot, but it wasn't to be. Shortly after the sighting the breeze picked up and a thick fog rolled in from the ocean.
My view looking towards the ocean with the fog rolling in.

Prior to the fog rolling in, several trawlers were just off the beach running their nets up and down catching who knows what. As the fog rolled in the two boats must have been getting a little to close for comfort, I heard one of the boat captains yelling obscenities to the other and blowing the air horns. Nothing like good entertainment while sitting in a tree.
The plan was to meet back at the intersection of Horseshoe Dike and North Dike at 11. It was now 9:45 and I was getting restless. I wanted to locate a good spot off the beaten path, so climbing down seemed like a good call. Back on North Dike I made my way down towards Tim's hide in the curve where he could see both ways for several hundred yards now that the sun had finally burned off the thick morning fog.