To let the cart follow the horse, what are you trying to do?
I mean, I don't know where you are in your shooting. If you're somewhat seasoned and getting the bow/arrow combo ready to hunt, you probably want to get it tuned pretty well so your broadheads hit the mark and penetrate well.
On the other hand, if you're kind of new and trying to just get started shooting, an arrow and bow setup that's just "in the ball park" will be just fine.
In the later case, set your strike plate so the arrow is pointing a bit to the left (kind of normal), set your nock point about half an inch up, use a chart (or past experience) to pick an arrow spine and length, fletch it and go shooting.
As your shooting progresses and you start thinking about shooting broadheads or shooting long distances or whatever, you revisit the tuning thing as the need arises.
I'd suggest not getting too wrapped up in tuning.