I have been steadily upgrading my Lone Wolf Alpha hand climber over time. It is over 20 years old and going strong. From Lone wolf I upgraded with new style knobs, new seat cushion, new style belt clamps, upgraded back pack straps, added securing straps between the seat and platform and extra long belts for bigger trees.
I moved the old seat cushion to the underside and it makes backpacking a lot more comfortable. It also gives me a place to put something when in the stand without falling through the platform.
I also covered all exposed metal support tubes with Silent Hide fleece. And added reflective tape on the platform.
I drilled and tapped a Kwikee Kwiver receiver on the platform so I can rotate it to either carry in or have available for a quick second shot in the stand.
I also added a third hand so I can climb with the bow on the platform and have it in position to hold the bow when in the stand. No more pull up line required and in position much faster and quieter
I carry a portable tree saw secured to the hand climber so I can cut branches as I climb if needed.
And a tree umbrella secured to the platform for rain protection.
I have rigged it so the tree umbrella can be used as a portable blind as well.
All of these improvements have really worked out well, set up is quick and quiet and I am up the tree with everything in hand, with cover to break up my silhouette when there is none.