One of the secrets is to do things differently. If everybody else hunts from a tree, look for places to hunt from the ground. I killed a doe at 5-6 paces this year, from the ground, no pop up, just judiciously chosen locations.
The deer I killed this year was no more than 200 yards from my truck, OK, maybe 250. Sometimes fence lines, corners of overgrown fields, high spots in a marsh, any of these can make a difference, as does good early season scouting and preparation.
On one spot, on a steep hillside, a huge oak tree fell at the base, years ago and causes a blockage. Several smaller, but still substantial trees fell down the hillside since then and forms a sort of funnel.
Sunlight comes thru in one spot, in a tangle of limbs (which I replace annually) and some sort of viney plant grows up. I started throwing a handful of fertilizer on it each year, so it grows up just enough to give me a bit of cover from that side. Not a lot... but some.
Wind is critical, approach can be critical and this is all part of scouting. Do it different than all the rest.