I have been a avid squirrel hunter since about age 5. Here is how I skin and cook them.
1, soak the squirrel(rabbit too) in water, you want to get the hair wet, this keeps a lot of the hair off the meat.
2, cut around the ankles and between the legs just like if you were skinning a coon.
3, twist bailing wire tightly around his rear feet and tie it off to a branch, then just pull the skin right off down to his neck and cut it off along with all 4 feet and gut him.
3, rinse the squirrel in cold water and get all the hair off, then boil him in a pot with meat tenderizer until he is cooked.
4, pull all the meat off the bones, shred, and put in a bowl with some liquid smoke for a few hours/1 day (adds flavor and cuts the game taste).
5, put it in a pan and add your favorite seasonings, when it's all seared up add bbq sauce and heat it up.
BBQ pulled squirrel...