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Author Topic: Granger Ranger Xtreme Hunt 2015  (Read 254 times)

Offline Wudstix

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Granger Ranger Xtreme Hunt 2015
« on: January 06, 2015, 10:04:00 PM »
For those of you who enjoy boisterous behavior, beer, and hog hunting please feel welcome to attend the GRXH 2015 Granger WMA TX.  East of Georgetown TX(for reference)  This will be year 15, or 17, or.......This is not for the faint of heart.

Attached is the inventation on Texasbowhunter.com.
Hello, my name is Rat, you are invited to the 2015 Granger Ranger Xtreme Hunt; prepare to DIE!

Yes ladies, it's time to head off into the Fire Swamp and hunt for Rodents of Unusual Size! But, unlike Princess Buttercup, you will not have the Dread Pirate Roberts to protect you. No, this will be all you; live or die, eat or be eaten, sink or swim (that one's literal)...

So, brush off the camping gear, repair the tent holes from last year, tune up the boat motor, pack the socks and update the life insurance because,

The 2015 GRXH IS HERE!

When: February 27, 28 and March 1. That's the last weekend in February from noon on Friday the 27th to noon on March 1st.

Battle of Wits (I just know there's going to be some losers here) Or how to get dunked in the river and kicked out of the GRXH!

Step One: Bring Food! GRXH is extreme because we don't bring food, we eat what we catch, kill or gather. Wanna free ride on the wet highway? Bring food, that'll get ya dunked right quick.

Minnows are not food, neither is catfish bait or beer. If you MUST have creamer (powder ONLY no milk or regular cream) and sugar for your coffee then please bring it; pretty much everything else is considered food and will get ya dunked.

Step Two: Do NOT bring your hunting and fishing license; while this will not get you dunked or kicked out it will keep you from eating. If you don't contribute (at least effort), you don't eat! Find a license retailer near you

Step Three: Do not bring an Annual Hunting Permit (AHP); again, this will not get you dunked or kicked out but it keep you from eating. See Step Two above. Click the Link

Step Four: Do not bring 144 square inches of hunter orange for your chest and back and leave the lid at home as well. If you are wearing orange someone might see you and not 'accidentally' shoot ya; thereby depriving the group of the much needed protein. But seriously, no orange no hunt.

Step Five: Bring Firearms; we know, we know, they are allowed on the WMA. However, GRXH is ARCHERY ONLY so they are NOT allowed, bring 'em and you will not be hunting. If you want to hunt with guns start your own group hunt.

Feats of Strength[ or, who is invited.

Everyone, period.
Having said that, this is not a family friendly hunt, food may be sparse but the beer isn't. There is a lot of typical male shenanigans, loud (drunk and sober) dudes, wraslin', outdoor peeing, puking, cursing, bleeding, bad jokes, good jokes, more bad jokes, liberal bashing, farting and other male oriented things. Women, children, liberal wannabes and girly-boys be warned; attending GRXH WILL be a cultural shock and no, we will not pull any punches. And, we will not apologize for that...
But we welcome everyone!

Where is this you ask? Well, it isn't at the top of the Cliffs of Insanity, wait, maybe it is...

Granger Lake, Granger, Texas
Everyone stays at primitive camp on the San Gabriel River, just downstream from the No. 7 primitive boat launch. It's primitive, no running water or electricity, just a Swedish composting toilet that has seen better days. Bring TP.

Access is either by boat or by trail. If you are walking or biking in, good for you. If you have a boat, you can launch from any boat ramp (they are all open) and No. 7 primitive boat launch; No. 7 is for primitive boats, unless you missed that.

Everyone who needs a ride will be shuttled in from No. 7; there is plenty of parking. Pick up times are at Dr. Pepper times (Google it) unless you CALL or TEXT one of us to come pick you up.

The List
Copy, paste into a new post on this thread and add your name to the appropriate spot. Copy, paste, add; got it? Also add how many people you will be bringing; if it is another TBH member just add them to the list under you name.

Boat(s) or Floaty Thingies:
Rat +1

Need a ride:

Walking, Biking or Swimming:

So MAN UP you panty waisted, lilly livered, yellow dogs and

Let's Get Lickey!!!!
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!!!" - Me

Psalms 121: 1-3 - King David

60" Big River 67#@28"              
60" MOAB D/R LB 62#@27"
60" Big River D/R LB 65#@27"
62" Kota Badlands LB 72#@28"
62" Howatt TD 62#@28
58” Bear Grizzly 70#@28”
62" Big River D/R LB 60#@30"
66" Moosejaw Razorback LB 60#@28"

"Memento Mori"
PBS - Associate Member
Retired DoD Civ 1985-2019

Offline Wudstix

  • Trad Bowhunter
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Re: Granger Ranger Xtreme Hunt 2015
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2015, 03:47:00 PM »
GRXH 2015 is shaping up nicely.  50 folks signed on so far.  Yeeehaawwwwg!!!!!
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!!!" - Me

Psalms 121: 1-3 - King David

60" Big River 67#@28"              
60" MOAB D/R LB 62#@27"
60" Big River D/R LB 65#@27"
62" Kota Badlands LB 72#@28"
62" Howatt TD 62#@28
58” Bear Grizzly 70#@28”
62" Big River D/R LB 60#@30"
66" Moosejaw Razorback LB 60#@28"

"Memento Mori"
PBS - Associate Member
Retired DoD Civ 1985-2019

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