It looks like you had an excellent weekend Jerry! Glad I was there with you for half of it! Saturday was chilly but bearable. It breaks my heart to see the tremendous lack of deer at Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. I can remember it back in the 80's and even the early 90's. Those days we pushed herds of deer! I'll say this until the end, the initiation of a muzzle loader season, the bear population, the 'Yote population,unlimited does in some zones, and now the Cross bow season has put a tremendous hurting on Jerseys Deer Herd! This Crew here Alex, Mikey Bamboo, Mike Jr., Southpaw Scott, retired school teacher Dave, Bucky,You Jerry, and myself are Die Hard Trad Bow Hunters! I'm sorry Joe Skippp, Pete, and Vaughn deadsimple couldn't make it. oxnam, to answer your question ,yes it is a very effective way to hunt deer!Just how effective is it? How about a group of muzzleloader guys hunting around this area taking 24 does in the 2 days of early muzzle loader season! Makes me sick! We will do this again before the zone closes! As long as I'm out of work I'm willing to do a weekday too! By the way I saw enough sign on some of the drives to make me feel that way!