When I was younger I didn't pay much attention to cold weather gear as the cold just didn't bother me that much. I could sit all day in very cold temps. Now that I am getting a little "More mature" lets say, the cold makes me think twice about if I even want to get out there or not. Well I have been reading all I can this year on cold weather gear and putting most of the stock in what our Northern Brothers have posted and shared. I have spent hundreds on some new gear and most is made of wool.
I have come to the realization that most of my on stand heat has been excaping through my head and have found the formula to fix that with a wool Coupes cap from Chuck at Two Tracks.
I was out last night and noticed at dusk I am usually sitting there just shivering not able to sit still and just dying to climb down. Well I was sitting there dead still scanning the woods with just my eyes and warm as I could be. I sat until well after dark as I had two bucks in the field next to me feeding.

What also makes it a great hat is it has a short soft brim for when the sun gets low in the horizon. I was able to keep scanning the woods for those deer that I would usually not see due to the sun in my eyes. All other brimmed hats I would usually turn around as my bow string would hit it on my draw. When you draw with the coupes cap on the string contacts the brim but it is so soft it bends with the string and has no affect on arrow flight or messing up your concentration.
So if you were counting on global warming and that hasn't panning out, you may want to try a new wool hat to keep you toasty and onstand much longer.
Chuck is a TG sponsor so give him a click!
Thanks Chuck from Kentucky!