I took a beagle, "cricket", from a friend who's life was changing dramatically and for a totally kennel raised dog, she walked into the house, proclaimed the couch was hers and learned the rules, including house breaking, right quick.
Yes, she barked / bayed, especially on the trail, but not so much in the house. She wasn't a great bunny dog, but she absolutely loved to go after them and I took her out each year for a few hunts. I liked to watch her and hear her and she just did what she was born to do.
As she aged and was more stiff, I had her on a blood trail and she helped me find a decent buck that had eluded me till then.
I am not a hard core beagle fan, likely won't own another, but I sure did enjoy watching and listening to her.
When I was younger, I went on a hunt with some friends of my FIL who were NUTS about bunnies and beagles. There must have been a dozen dogs in that pack and hearing them open up was awesome ! Would love to experience that once again.