I have been training dogs for years, and I will share a few insights.
1. Give a new pup lots of socializing. Hold it, love on it, handle it. You want it to associate you with security and love. You also want it to be willing to have you touch and mess with any part of its body - that comes in handy later for thorn removal etc.
2. Take the pup everywhere. Get it used to unfamiliar people, children, noises, sidewalks, etc. You want the pup to feel safe and confident wherever you are.
3. Noise condition your dog slowly. Dogs have an instinctive fear of loud noises and a thunder shy or gun shy dog is something that you can prevent.
4. Get a bell collar for the dog and put it on the dog whenever you hunt train or hunt. The dog will associate the bell with going hunting and you will know where the dog us when the cover is thick.
5. Get a pinch collar or choke collar and use it to teach leash manners. Learn to use it properly.
6. Start early to teach: here, sit, stay, etc. Basic commands are the foundation of all training.
7. Make sure that the dog gets to have lots of fun.
8. Anything positive (treats, petting, etc) can and should be used as a training reward.
9. A simple harsh tone of voice of vocal sound is usually all the punishment a dog needs if you introduce that doting puppy time.
10. Be consistent in training. A dog will try to figure out what you want, but. Dog is fairly easy to confuse.
Good luck. Beagles are great dogs. Feel free to PM me for more training tips as you go. I am happy to be of help.