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Author Topic: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?  (Read 1273 times)

Offline mbugland

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Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:24:00 PM »
So the worst thing the doc can tell you, when you are kinda positive it is  nothing really.. "You are the perfect surgical candidate."
Made  it through shoulder rebuild, not sure I am quite as confidant in this one.

Please give me some reassurance that this is a good idea...  It's a surgery or start slowing down, and that's not gonna happen

Has anyone done the replacement off fusion? Shooting after, back country packing? So much I am scared to lose with this one

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2015, 10:47:00 PM »
Don't have any info you are looking for, but prayers up you find a solution that results in a complete recovery!


Offline valleysniper

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2015, 10:51:00 PM »
I have had a disk removed and cervical fusion, Both shoulders rebuilt. In my exp the neck surgery was a savior, had to drop down in weight,but I can still shoot. Can't work construction anymore, no looking at extreme up or down angles or lifting heavy weights. I think If the pain and side effects are bad enough....go for it....Gary

Offline turkey65

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2015, 06:19:00 AM »
I had ruptured disc and fusion done three years ago,as valleysniper said had to reduce weight and gave up hunting out west,still have some minor pain but can still hunt and enjoy,have two strong grandsons to do the dragging.I felt there wasn't an option.Best of luck with your decision.

Offline njloco

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2015, 07:02:00 AM »
I have 5 disc's that are sacked, they'd love to operate on one for sure, I hold it at bay by working out and working the abs. Had a back pain for the last couple of weeks, decided not to give into it, worked out yesterday, mostly abs,was hurting last night but woke up this morning and no pain. I also eat a certain way to keep the weight off.

I also figured out a way to give myself, self traction, and back adjustments, the docs were impressed.

Try everything you can first, before going under the knife, once it's done, at present, it can't be undone !

Oh, I'm 65 and going up in draw weight !

God bless and good luck.
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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2015, 07:45:00 AM »
Have had C-5 & C-6 fused and have steel holding it all together from C-3 to C-7 13 years ago, no problems since. A close hunting buddy goes in next week for the same. I had to drop down in weight but other than that I would never know I had it done, good luck with your surgery!

Offline wingnut

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2015, 08:04:00 AM »
I had C4, C5, and C6 fused a few years back.  It was the best decision I've made.  I was in pain 24/7 before the surgery and woke up from it pain free.  My quality of life has improved a bunch and even though I'm restricted to no more then 50# lifting or shooting, it's not a problem.

Mine has been a life saver and we've been on three Alaska moose hunts since.  Elk in Colorado this year.

Mike Westvang

Offline Tedd

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2015, 08:19:00 AM »
I have been through that. Do it! but Rehab!!!!
I had a C4-C5 fusion a few years ago. I had reached a point where my bow arm (Left) was atrophied. I could not hold the bow when I pulled the string. The surgeon was great. Surgery at 3:00 PM. Out of the hospital the next morning at 8:00 AM. What a relief, the pain was gone! I felt like a had my life back! But, I was just sent home. No rehab program. I didn't know any better. Didn't do anything other than live normally. I shot a lot. Got back to regular draw weight. Strength was slow to return, my bow arm was shaky and got tired quickly and stopped improving.(There were actually weak/void spots where nerves did not send the signal to the muscles).  After a year or so I realized I needed to do something. I joined the local gym. They checked me out. the left bicep was 1 1/2" smaller than the right just to give you an idea what I was dealing with. I started working on it with a trainer then took over on my own. Now both arms are equal. I am in better shape now than I have ever been in my life. I gained a lot of mass in shoulders, arms and back while leaning out a bit other places. My draw length increased a lot. (32" + or -) I could probably handle 75+ lbs of draw weight. My arrows hit hard. I would guess that speed is usually over 200fps?. My bow arm is steady. I lost my gut. (well pretty much). Best of all my wife likes it! Been lifting for at least 5 years. I hate spending the time to lift. But it will increase my active years of bow hunting. I carry a big all inclusive backpack/treestand/clothes/food...etc for long walk -ins, all day sits in mountainous terrain. Sometimes in very cold temps. I'm 48 now. I couldn't have carried that pack with the ease that I do now when I was 20! Unfortunately I rarely see any freakin deer!!!

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2015, 12:47:00 PM »
My boss had his 5 and 6 fused.   He is a large fella....muscle, not fat!  Been a power lifter most of his adult life.   He had been experiencing discomfort and pain for some time.  Thought there was something else to it,  aside from his 600+ lb deadlifts,  500lb bench presses and whatever else that crazy animal was doing in the gym.  Goes through all the medical stuff,  talking with several doctors....one just wanted to load him with cortizone and call it a day. Finds a surgeon and has the 5 and 6 fused.   That was about 18 months ago now.  He feels better than ever,  and is actually lifting MORE weigh than he could pre surgery.  I know what you are thinking....I too would have stopped all that heavy sport lifting.  This guy didnt want to.  Anyway,  a doctor he saw before the doc that ended up operating on him,  said his lifting days were over.  The surgeon that ended up fixing him up, is famous for that particular surgery.  There are others that I work with here that have had the same surgery by different doctors and have not experienced the same sucess.  Some still experience discomfort, though not as extreme....and have limitations in regards to movement or activities they can/should partake in.  From everything Ive seen and heard,  not all surgeons are created equal and not all facilities deal with problems at the same level.  DO YOUR HOMEWORK WHEN FINDING A SURGEON AND THE PLACE YOU GO TO HAVE THE WORK DONE!  I believe my boss had his surgery at the New Hampshire Spine Institue.

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2015, 02:38:00 PM »
Due to many years of sports, I have had fusion on 4 consecutive levels in my neck (C4 thru T1) and other than the loss of range of motion I'm OK. Don't worry about fusion on one level, you won't notice the difference. Make sure you have a surgeon who does this surgery often.
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Offline mbugland

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2015, 11:54:00 PM »
Wow, thank you all so much for all the insight and positive thoughts. I am really not a big fan of changing anything about the body, seems to work pretty good for most people. I am happy the way God made me, and don't really want to screw that up at someone else's hand.
All that said, I gotta have some faith in what's being put I front of me.  Thank's to Uncle Sam, I don't get to shop around too much for a surgeon... But thanks to my current geographic location, and the 13+yrs of conflict! there are some well experienced docs close by at Bethesda/Walter Reed.  
The  doc walked me through my MRI, options (fuse or replace)and processes. The only plus to the whole ordeal, at the end he was the only one that understood what I want for my future and what I want for now. I am under two years from freedom, and  plans of ridge lines and drift boats..... nothing but my old lady to distract me from hunting season.  I want to go be a kid again, walking the river bottom everyday with a bow or a fishing pole.... Maybe even a trap line in there somewhere.
The  surgeon encouraged me to start working out again, continue every form of treatment possible.  I managed to sleep in a little more than I wanted to this am, so I will try and brave some rain tomorrow and do  a little stumping. The gym on Friday was painful, but the best painful feeling I needed. I guess I will see what happens. I go in a month to see if it's pain and numbness I can live with, if so surgery cancelled... If not doc already has me scheduled and that becomes a prep appointment.
Thanks again all, the fusion option has so much more data to support, but the theory behind the replacement seems so good, I think I might bite.

Offline Air Cleaver

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2015, 12:28:00 PM »
Had C5-6 and C6-7 fused. Best decision I ever made. Had the shots in the discs, they did nothing. This type of surgery is pretty routine now. I am pain free now, with just some range of motion issues. I was scared to have the surgery, but now would not hesitate. To be out where nobody is around and have a disc go out would not be something I would not care to experience. It's the worst pain I have ever had and I have been through the wringer. It's a big scary decision but one you have to make yourself. It shouldn't affect your shooting, it hasn't mine. Good Luck!
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Offline limbow

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2015, 06:12:00 PM »
E Donnall Thomas wrote a great piece in Traditional Bowhunter Magazine in 2004 or 2005. He had the surgery on his C4/5 region if I recall correctly. I emailed him about it and we had a nice chat concerning the surgery and other possible solutions.

In 2004, I was diagnosed with having a herniated C4 and C5. I opted for 3 epidural pain block shots and 6 months of not lifting a thing.. Not even a gallon of Milk. I am reminded when I lift something or do anything over my head that there is an issue but I am essentially pain free to this day without having the surgery.

My archery tackle is low to mid 50's in draw weight. I routinely shoot 75 to 100 arrows daily without any issues.

Best of luck to you, choose a neuro surgeon over an orthopedic!
Kevin Osworth
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Offline mbugland

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2015, 10:21:00 PM »
Well I am set for surgery Monday.... Hope it's the right answer. I think I have spent more time in this last couple week trying to find a reason not to do this, and there are a lot of them that are questionably but nothing that has definitely locked in that I can't do this.
Most of my severe pain is gone, the numbness comes and goes every couple weeks... I have a pretty limited range of motion, as long as I pay attention to that I don't get the shooting pains down my arm.  I just don't think it's how I want to live for the next ....hopefully 40-50 years....... I just really don't like letting someone slit my throat open and play with my spine.  YouTube has really not helped this out. You can watch video of every possible option for this surgery, none of them look very fun.
Again, truly appreciate your thoughts on the topic previously, and will have plenty of time sitting on  a couch to stay tuned into the online hunting season, through everyone's words.  Prayers are appreciated. Thanks again all!

Offline Jerry Jeffer

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2015, 12:01:00 AM »
I don't know what surgeons you are talking with, but make sure you research the heck out of it and use the best Dr. you can find and afford. I went through laser spine institute, and I am at 95% with 1 missing disc (bones Fused) and another that they quaterized. same day surgery, and 4 weeks I was hauling tarp loads of wet leaves out of my yard. Just my input.
I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.

Offline Scott E. Thomas

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2015, 01:24:00 AM »
Prayers sent for a successful surgery and complete healing. God bless, Scott.
Humility is to make a right estimate of one's self. Charles Spurgeon

Offline Jim Picarelli

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2015, 05:34:00 AM »
C5-C6 fusion in Nov. 2006. I was shooting light weight bows by the end of January 2007. I told my PT that I shoot bows and she gave me specific exercises
that helped
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Offline restless

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2015, 07:31:00 AM »
C5,6,7 all fused good now working back into the 55 # bows now after 4 months

Offline mbugland

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2015, 09:21:00 PM »
I am very hopeful, to be back to hunting weight quickly, not too quick though.  I definitely don't want to push anything too hard... It's bad enough that I will be off my motorcycle for at least 3 months. The weight guide the started talking didn't have me lifting over 10 lbs for the first 30 days.  I have a nice r/d longbow Tenbrook that I took in trade a while ago, it's a 45#, and should be a nice start. If nothing else, I will do some pitty bartering during the Baltimore Bowmen shoot and see if I can find an extra light long bow, with a wide draw range.
I think I am going to just take the time to walk through the woods a bit more, if I can get  out once a day, it has to be as good for the body as it is for the soul. Thanks again for the thoughts and prays.... Most importantly, the hope

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Re: Cervical disc replacement.... Anyone shooting through that one?
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2015, 11:13:00 PM »
Good luck, and prayers up for you!


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