My stump seat is only several inches tall but was very comfortable , I had several shooting Windows in my brush hide out. With my bow canted way over I could draw without any part of me or the bow exposed so now I wait. About five o'clock I see some movement and its heading my way and it ain't a hog it's a deer and its also a spike buck. And I just happen to have a tag with his name on it , what are the odds this will play out. He keeps on the trail and ends up at seven yards then stopped and looked the other the other way ( guess the odds were good ) . I lean forward pull the 65# back and let her rip and those big yellow feathers never looked so good in that bright Sun light. From my angle to the deer I was shooting up at him and I think the impact of the arrow lifted him off the ground a few inches , man that arrow hit hard. I really think I'm falling in love with Hill bows.......