What a relief to read your post, Felix! At least now, when I think of my obsession with traditional archery, I can say to myself, "Well, at least I'm not as obsessed as Felix." Although I suppose the only reason I'm not is because I don't have room for 100 bows, and my old body needs time to recover from shooting now and then.
I shoot regularly with two friends Mon-Wed-Fri mornings, about 70-100 arrows/day. I shoot on Tue-Thurs mornings with other friends who don't shoot as regularly, so maybe half the time. I usually have some thought on my mind during the day about archery, so I shoot some arrows when I come home at the end of the day to either work out those thoughts or test some new arrows, etc. I shoot on weekends either in tournaments if there are any or sometimes just with my dog. So I'm sure if you put that all together I'm shooting arrows more days than I'm not.