OK, I think I understand what you're saying. There's almost no noticeable difference between a heavy head and aluminum insert vs a lighter head and brass insert, given that the overall front weight is the same and both the inserts are the same standard length, about one inch. If one broad head or insert is slightly longer than the other, it could change the dynamic spine a smidgeon one wayh or the other, but we probably don't have equipment sensitive enough t measure it, and certainly most aren't good enough to detect it in their shooting.
I thought you were talking about a 3-5-inch or longer internal or external footings, which some folks put into/on their arrows. Though the extra weight leans toward softening the dynamic spine, the long footing prevents the shaft from bending there, thus stiffing the spine. In this case, the stiffening effect is greater than the softening effect. Actually, this is just a more extreme example of what Gone Fisin said initially.
The longer the insert, the more it stiffens the dynamic spine. The more the broad head weighs and the longer it is, i.e., the more itsticks out the front of the arrow, the more it reduces the dynamic spine. Which one wins out depends on what the combinations happen to be.