I only met Ed several times, the first few being at the Clinton,Indiana shoots back in the 70s. The last was a wonderful few hours huddling under a tarp very late on a miserable rainy night at Marshall, Michigan, sometime in the 1980s, with Ed and Jay Massey. We talked of so many things, and I'm sorry to say I can't remember one! But, the night will stay with me as long as I live-it is one of my most treasured memories of all these years in archery.
I had been up about 1 AM adjusting my tarps to keep as much rain as possible off my broadhead collection, and two figures came leapfrogging from tarp to tarp to avoid being drenched. When they came to mine and we recognized each other, we began telling stories. Three hours or so later, they ran off through the rain again. Although I knew them before, I am blessed to have had those several hours with those two men. Sure, I wish now I'd have explored ways to get to know them better. But, I didn't, and a life is full of lost opportunities....and a few that turned out to be magic. At this time, I choose to remember two guys that made one late night very memorable for me. God rest their souls.