Originally posted by damascusdave: This sounds all too familiar for someone that is really just getting started...the more you try to fix things the less they get fixed...what you really need is a mentor/coach who can watch what you are doing and help you sort out what is going on...my guess is you are wanting to hunt soon and you have put some arbitrary limit on when you need to be ready to do that...that is usually not as simple as you would wish it to be, the compound bowhunter mentality that is so common these days of just getting some equipment, shooting a bit, and then going hunting...pie plate sized groups at 20 yards may be good enough for hunting with tuned arrows (although I find that standard to offer way too much chance of hitting a game animal poorly)...they are not good enough for really good tuning...I think you need to be able to shoot 9 ring on a FITA target to tune wellDDave