more buck activity... in my neck of the woods in GA... early NOV... however.. the big boys tend to be sighted closer to USMC B-day (Nov 10th, for you soft headed peeples...
) time and a couple days after...
As for the Moon thing shawn... doesn't seem to be a factor... but definitely here mid-day in NOV is hot!!! But since gun season has been open for 3 weeks, frontstuffer a week before that, and archery a month before that... I think pressure is the main factor effecting deer movement... Of NOV bucks harvested on my lease (TDM) I count back on our lease 3 seasons... over 40% come between 10a.m.-2 pm... but I hear the ATV's heading back to camp from 0930-1100 like ducks/geese coming to a freshly cut cornfield... since its not lost on me, I am sure the deer are even more aware... :D
I think its them hearing the fourwheelers heading back to camp gives them the "ALL CLEAR" to go about their business... Somedays I don't make my way to the stand before 10: am... and may see as much activity during mid-day as I do morn and eve's...
But then I mostly hunt a lease of 2300 acres with mostly gun and meat hunters... and the secret to my success... don't do what 90% of the other huners do.... stick to sound fundamentals... and spend as much time on stand as possible...
and just hunt the deer.. not do what the so-called outdoor writers tell you to do... as most of them think their job is to do what they must to get invited on the next guided hunt by one of the big advertisers....