Well just a report on some new shafts I got from Big Jim.
My specs:
Four bows from 49lbs - 52lbs @ 28"
My draw length - 26"
I have a ton of .500 spines around as that was all I've ever messed with. They have always been a touch too stiff for some of my bows with my short draw length. I have too load up the fronts of them and leave them sticking out about 3-4" long. I have seen a few threads on the .600 spine shafts and have always wanted to give them a try as my .500 shaft are mostly cut at 29" and I've always wanted to shorten them up some. Well to do that of course you know I would need to go to a .600.
I picked them up at the po box this morning and glued in a insert and cut one to 29" as I knew they would bare shaft a little weak at that length with a 145 grain target point which is the weight I want to use for 3-D. I first shot a 125 grain point and they showed stiff. Put the 145 on and showed a touch weak. Shaft nock in target about 1/2" left of point and a little high. I twisted up my two tied on nocking sets and shaved about a 1/4" of shaft off the nock end. Shot again and still a touch weak. Cut another 1/4" and perfect. Bar shaft flew like a dart. I could see no wiggle at all and the target told the same as they stuck perfectly straight in it from 3 to 18 yards.
I then cut another to the same length, fletched it up and flying like a dart. Shot them from another bow as well and perfect with a little adjustment to nock height.
Overall arrow weight is 410 grains. Thats 9.1 grains per pound and perfect for a 3-D bullet.
When hunting season rolls around these are going to be perfect as I will be able to cut a little shorter and add a heavier broad head.
If you are in the 40's to low 50's in bow poundage and haven't tried a .600 spine you really showed give them a go.
Winter fun!