Just came in from some last minute scouting. I have a week to hunt yet. I started to think. I have been here on Trad Gang a number of years now. Over those years I have spoke to and met many, many new Buds. Quite a few that I have hunted with too. If I started a list I would even be afraid to leave someone out. The largest group of new Buds I have met threw our January Winter Bow drives here in Jersey. Let me see if I can make a list up. There's: Mike bamboo here, Joe Skipp. Scott southpaw, Alex B, Larry Recurve 50lbs, Mike MCGroundstalker, Patrick pdk,KME RON The Sharpster, Retired school teacher Dave hilow,deadsimple Vaughn, Jerry Jeffer,Pete non typical are the ones I remember off hand. I know there are more I will add to the list. Vince from Mohawk bows is one I hope to hunt with some day. Gator Mitchell never met but speak to many times. Almost forgot Roy MUDD. People I'm glad to call Buds! How about you Folks?