My buddy Kent is on his quest for a world slam of turkeys with the recurve. He now only has the Goulds!! I didn't get the details as Kent is still in Mexico where he killed his Oscellated Turkey. I've hunted Osceolas with Kent at True South Adventures. He is a true turkey nut!! I believe that he's done the US slam 3X's with his recurve.
For those of you that are unfamiliar with the Oscellated Turkey, it is found primarily on the Yucatan Peninsula of southern Mexico. The NWTF have them listed as one of the species to make the "World" Grand Slam for turkeys, which would also include the Eastern, the Merriams, the Rio Grand and the Gould's which is also found in Mexico. Neither Hens nor Toms have beards, and the Tom does not gobble as with the other subspecies.
This is a true trophy with the stick and string.