Good afternoon brothers of the bow!
Been doing a lot of backyard shooting the last several weeks. I ended up crafting my own woodies and got them pretty well tuned in with the bareshaft method.
When I started with Trad at the end of last summer, I never imagined it would be so much more difficult than compound shooting or would be so much more enjoyable! I was trying to rush it and get good enough for fall deer season and quickly realized that it wasn't gonna happen. So, since the beginning of January I've just been focusing on getting a good comfortable and repeatable form that works and feels naturally. I've just about got that down where I don't feel like I'm having to tweak all the time. I'm shooting instinctively with split fingers. I tried 3 under, it's just not for me. I tried gap, it's just not for me. No judgement, just doesn't feel right.
I started shooting at 5 yards until I was consistently getting good groups. Then I moved back to 10 yards...wash, rinse, repeat.
I recently moved back to 15 yards and the spread wasn't much different than 10 yards and I was grouping pretty consistently but not quite where I want to be. Today, curiosity got the best of me and I stepped back to 18 yards. Shot 20 arrows and 17 of them were at least within the pie plate. I got a little more adventurous and decided, what the heck, I'll go to 20 yards. At 20 yards, I missed the target (rinehart 18:1) 9 out of 10 times. What the heck!!
My first miss was definitely form related. The arrow just missed the target to the left. Every other miss was high. Some a little high, some a lot. They were typically on line or close to my little spot I was aiming at but for the life of me I couldn't get the arrow to come down. I also broke one of my woodies :(
Can 2 yards really make that much of a difference?
I figured incrementally stepping back would prevent this. Maybe I was tired or cocky? Just curious if others had the same experience when they were starting out and moving back in distance. I was shooting my compound with fist sized groups at 50 consistently. I'm not looking for that. 20-25 yards maximum range is good for me. I've never killed a deer or squirrel with a bow beyond 20 yards and that was just one time. All others have been under 15.
Is it more of a mental thing or with shooting instinctively, does it just take time to train your eye?
Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Here's how I shot today at 15 yards. This was my best group but I pulled off several that were close to this today. Not quite where I want to be but getting better. My point of aim is the little black spot to the bottom left of the center circle.