I have to say the grandest animal I came across last season was a ruffed grouse. To say grouse are in my blood is an understatement, I truly love those birds and everything they represent in Pennsylvania. There was one in particular I flushed in October. It was one of those perfect, sun drenched fall days we all dream about, he flushed in an aspen patch, right next to an old stone wall, behind him you could see down a deep valley with two ridges rising beyond, the sun was just right that it shone through his wing and tail feathers, almost making him glow. I can still see that snapshot in my mind, clear as I can see the ice and snow outside right now. We all have those moments, images of the world that stick with us forever. When I'm too old to chase grouse, deer, trout and turkeys, I know I'll be sitting and replaying those images in my mind, and I have a feeling that ol ruff will be one of them.