I've watched outdoor television (hunting/fishing) shows my entire life. In doing so, it would seem reasonable that I wouldn't notice a downward trend in alot of the programs, provided that it just got a little more unacceptable every year. I haven't noticed such a liner digression. It seems that in the last year or two every successful program more heavily involves feeding the deer, naming the deer, focusing solely on the score of the deer, competing with other deer hunting teams for points awarded on who killed what deer with what weapon. I don't know about anyone else, but I still think ending a hunt by taking a life is kind of a big deal deserving at least SOME reverence. The absurd, rehearsed, fast breathing, jumping and shouting post shot reaction makes a mockery of the animal they just killed. It isn't just deer hunting shows, its anything hunting shows. Its hard to know when the commercial break ends and the show comes back on. Many people look towards large scale media as a guiding source for normative behavior. Its a sad, but true fact. The attitude towards hunting in general by many tv shows on out door channel(s) cultivates a repugnant new breed of hunter.