I had a long reply written up, but it read more like a rant, so I deleted it. I'll just say this. To me, bowhunting is a close range sport, done quietly with respect to the animals I'm hunting as well as my fellow hunters, and with as little disturbance to the surroundings as possible. With the speed of a longbow, or even a compound bow, It's too easy for something like a whitetail to move between the time my brain tells my fingers to relax, and my arrow gets to the target, so I keep my shots close. As far as all the disrespect and yelling goes, all I can do is shake my head. I'm not putting anybody down, we all have our own ideas of what bowhunting should be. However, and I do hate to say it, but I'd have a hard time standing next to some of the folks I've seen on TV and in the woods too, and calling them a brother in the sport.