HI Gang!
My 8yo Daughter Claire was one of the lucky winners of the February Youth Bow Giveaway "Cupids Bows" give-a-way.
She had her birthday last weekend and since the bow and all the "fixins" came just earlier that week we thought we'd wrap them up for her...we told her where it all came from..lol..(not from Mom&Dad..lol)
She's very excited about archery and really likes shooting the bow.
I've been a little reluctant to have her out shooting as often as she'd like since the snow is too deep to find an arrow shot into it..lol
Thank you so very much to all who make this happen..
Really nice bow, arrows, string, arm guard, string keeper and finger tab.
Claire is very proud of her new bow! And very exited to shoot it more.
Thanks again! You made a little girl's day!....and future days..
pics are coming up..