For my 52 @ 29" Bear TD with Rose Oak limbs (my go-to bow these days):
My deer and 3-D arrow is:
Trad Only 400 carbon shaft
29.5" BOP
glue in nock adaptor with Bohning Classic nock
9" Onestringer wrap
3 - 5" feathers
75 gr. brass glue-in-glue-on broadhead adaptor
carbon collar
125 gr field point (or 125 gr woodsman 3-blade)
This makes a 517 gr arrow that is very tough and sturdy, and it flies like a laser beam. The spine calculator says this arrow should fly at 193 fps, and by the looks of things when I shoot I have no reason to doubt that.
A single length of .095 weed whacker line inside adds 50 gr for a 567 gr arrow; 2 lengths make a 617 arrow, etc.
This has been a very reliable formula for me for this bow.
My other bows have other arrow formulas, naturally.