Please know that I have the highest regard for Ron and Debbie King, and I am a very big Fox bow fan. I still own a Fox Triple Crown and Breed -- both are excellent bows.
I have owned and shot a lot (too many) longbows; many have been aggressive r/d bows 62 - 64" in length. For me, the very best of these bows included the Peregrine (I've owned two), the Fox Royal Crown (I've owned two), and Cory's Heartland longbow.
I ordered my Royal Crown from Ron, and it is a beautiful bow, and a good shooter. But I found myself always shooting my Heartland. My Heartland is smoother to draw (with the bamboo core), as fast or slightly faster, absolutely dead in the hand with the forward riser, accurate, and I prefer the grip. Cory's standard grip is slightly lower than the standard R/C grip, and a little more contoured. So head to head, I prefer the Heartland over the Royal Crown (and the Peregrine). Cory builds beautiful, high-performing bows at a very fair price, and his customer service is second to none.
Hope this helps,